The .NET Web Framework for Makers

Build production ready, full-stack web applications fast without sweating the small stuff.

Get started in under a minute

Spark's open-source web framework is a breeze to get started with:

C:\code> dotnet tool install --global BlazorSpark.Console

C:\code> spark install

C:\code> spark new MyApp

And you're done! Now check out our documentation for next steps.

Why Use Spark?

Convention over Configuration

Spark embraces convention, freeing developers to build instead of deliberating mundane details.

Blazor Spark app folders Blazor Spark default app

Don't sweat the small stuff

Spark comes with features like auth, mail, and logging already setup. Freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

Blazor Spark authentication code Blazor Spark authentication page

Enjoyable Developer Experience

A happy developer is a productive developer. Our CLI helps you make applications, run migrations, and generate classes.

Blazor Spark mailable cli command Blazor Spark mailable code

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